Daily writing prompt
What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable?


I thought I’d start with a handful of people that most would consider to have “had it all” and go from there.

Michael Jackson “had it all”. Britney Spears “had it all”. Kurt Cobain “had it all”. Marilyn Monroe “had it all”. Lindsey Lohan “had it all”. Elvis Presley “had it all”. Whitney Houston “had it all”. Robin Williams “had it all”.

Shall I go on? No? That’s okay. I think you get the point I’m trying to make.

It’s interesting to consider the phrase “had it all” and what it means in the context of these individuals. Each of them achieved significant success in their respective fields, whether it was music, acting, or other forms of entertainment. They were revered by fans around the world and achieved a level of fame that most people only dream of. However, behind the glitz and glamour, there were struggles and challenges that the public may not have been fully aware of.

Michael Jackson, for instance, faced intense media scrutiny and legal battles that took a toll on his personal life and reputation. Britney Spears went through very public personal struggles that were heavily documented by the media. Kurt Cobain’s battle with addiction and his tragic death shed light on the darker side of fame. Marilyn Monroe’s untimely death shocked the world and brought attention to the pressures of stardom. Lindsey Lohan’s well-documented personal struggles have been a constant topic of tabloid headlines. Elvis Presley, despite his immense talent, faced personal demons that ultimately led to his premature death. And Robin Williams, known for his incredible humor and talent, struggled with mental health issues that ultimately led to his tragic passing.

So, while on the surface it may have seemed like these individuals “had it all”, their lives were much more complex than what was portrayed in the media. It’s a reminder that fame and success don’t shield individuals from the same human experiences and hardships that we all face. This reflection prompts us to consider the importance of empathy and understanding, especially when it comes to public figures who are often placed on pedestals.


My father-in-law often emphasizes the importance of money in finding happiness. He used to frequently mention my ex-brother-in-law’s high-paying job and the material possessions it afforded, expresses a desire to win big in the lottery (noting that a million dollars wouldn’t suffice anymore), and consistently admires cars and homes, regardless of their true value.

It’s not uncommon for people to prioritize financial success and the accumulation of wealth as a means to achieve happiness. In this case, my father-in-law’s focus on money and material possessions seems deeply ingrained. It’s worth noting that individuals may express such views due to their personal experiences, beliefs, or societal influences. Despite this, it’s essential to recognize that while financial stability and comfort are important, they do not guarantee lasting happiness. True fulfillment often stems from meaningful relationships, personal growth, and contributing to the well-being of others. These are the elements that contribute to a well-rounded and contented life.


Do you recall the “yuppie” phenomenon of the 1980s? During that era, my fiancé and I were focused on achieving yuppie-level success, accumulating wealth, and living a luxurious lifestyle. Reflecting on our past, I am immensely grateful that our future wasn’t simply handed to us. Our accomplishments in 2024 are the result of hard work and unwavering commitment. Some may attribute it to luck, but I believe we have been truly blessed.

When I think about “having it all,” I focus on embracing comfort, joy, and satisfaction. It’s about finding happiness and contentment in every aspect of my life and being grateful for the blessings that come my way.


For my recent birthday celebration, I opted for a moderately priced dining experience at Simon’s, where the Chicken and/or Steak Deburgo truly stole the show. This was followed by a hilarious evening enjoying Nate Bargatze’s comedy at the downtown Wells Fargo Arena (although the parking options seriously need to be handled better).

While the food was undeniably delectable and the $100+ ticket brought endless laughter (thanks to the great company), none of these experiences could outshine the pure magic of spending an afternoon flying kites at a “Kites on the Green” event with my 3-year-old grandson a few weeks earlier. And to top it off, it was completely free.


Honestly, achieving “having it all” ultimately depends on your personal definition of what “having it all” means to you. In my case, immense wealth isn’t a prerequisite for happiness. My life is enriched by beloved ones who bring me joy every day, a secure home without leaks, a fulfilling job with amazing colleagues, a steadfast faith in a guiding God, a reliable emergency fund, and thankfully, few inner struggles (aside from a mild addiction to frozen Snicker bars and Baskin Robbins’ Praline & Cream).


Absolutely, “having it all” is a concept that can vary greatly from person to person. For some, it may mean achieving a successful career, a happy family life, good health, and a strong social network. For others, it could mean experiencing personal fulfillment or making a positive impact on the world. The attainability of this concept is subjective and depends on an individual’s values, circumstances, and beliefs. In my experience, “having it all” is more about finding a balance that aligns with one’s priorities and brings a sense of contentment. Striving for this ideal can be a journey of self-discovery and growth, as it involves understanding what truly matters to us and making choices that resonate with our authentic selves. Feel free to share your thoughts on what “having it all” means to you!

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