Daily writing prompt
When do you feel most productive?

Who needs daylight when you can conquer the world at 3 in the morning?

For reasons unbeknownst to me, I often find that my most remarkable ideas come to me as I transition from deep slumber to the hazy state before my first cup of coffee.

That observation leaves me to wonder if there is a scientific explanation for the occurrence or if it’s just a bout of insomnia and my mind wandering of its own accord.

When we are wide awake and fully focused, beta waves take the lead in the brain, driving our highest level of intelligence and coherence. In a more relaxed state, alpha brain waves step in, synchronizing the brain hemispheres, enhancing our capacity to learn and evolve. Finally, during near or light sleep, theta brain waves bring us into a deeply creative, almost meditative state. Feeling inspired? You can thank theta brainwaves for that.

Have you ever found yourself stumped by a problem or question near the end of your workday after grappling with it for a useless half hour?

At the end of a long workday, it’s not uncommon to encounter a perplexing problem that seems to resist all attempts at resolution. The mind, fatigued from a day’s worth of tasks and challenges, may struggle to find a solution, leading to a sense of being stuck in a loop of unproductive efforts.

When you revisit the same issue the following morning, you often find yourself capable of quickly identifying and solving the problem that had previously eluded you. This phenomenon underscores the wisdom behind the advice to “sleep on it.”

Photo by Polina Kovaleva on

When I used to plan those corporate gaming events for my workplace, my wildest and wackiest ideas always seemed to strike after 3 a.m. In the eerie silence of the early morning, I’d ponder them and wonder, “What on earth was I thinking?” Then I’d shake my head, let it go, and move on. But there were occasions when I’d share these brainwaves with my team, and they’d run with them, molding the basic concept into something even more thrilling, challenging… and, let’s be honest, maybe a tad risky!

I thrive in the early morning, where I am at my most productive, creative, and intelligent.


I'd love to know when you feel most productive! Feel free to share a comment below with a couple of examples to explain why you feel that way.

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