What activities do you lose yourself in?

It may seem odd, but I totally lose myself when doing mundane yard work from spring until late fall. The smell of freshly cut grass and the warmth of the sun create an atmosphere of tranquility that allows me to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. I find that sticking earbuds in my ears and queuing up a few retro playlists on Spotify enhances the experience, transporting me to a different time and place while I trim the hedges and tend to the lawn and that freaking awful clover! There’s something about the combination of physical activity and nostalgic music that makes the hours fly by, turning a seemingly tedious task into a time of relaxation and enjoyment.

What else do I lose myself in? Books have always been a passion of mine, especially those that transport me to different worlds and timelines. TV shows also captivate me, from thrilling dramas to light-hearted comedies. Working out is another essential part of my routine, helping me stay healthy and energized. When I’m not reading or exercising, I find solace in writing, whether it’s journaling, creative writing, or even penning down my thoughts. Of course, there’s work, which keeps me engaged and challenged. Movies are another indulgence, offering a temporary escape into captivating storylines and visually stunning scenes. My family is my anchor, providing love, support, and cherished moments. Traveling is a passion that fuels my sense of adventure and allows me to discover new landscapes. And last but not least, my FitBit – it keeps me motivated and accountable in maintaining an active lifestyle.


What exciting activities would make it on your own list? Feel free to share them with a comment!

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