What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

I’d love to say that I have some wondrous family heirloom that was handed down through generations and yet is still in use by me today.

But, truth be told, the oldest thing I still use most days would be my work car. It’s a green 1997 Honda Civic.

Image Credit: Honda

Being a Honda, it’s still going strong after nearly 30 years and about 180,000 miles.

During the pandemic, I mostly drove it on occasion to pick up carry out, although not being an SUV, those drive-through windows could be challenging.

Image Credit: Facebook

Once the madness of masks and social distancing died down, I took the car in to my mechanic for a tune-up. When I picked it up, I found that a mouse had made a pretty big nest in the midst of the warmth of the engine while the car had been stowed in our detached garage.

Image Credit: Microsoft Copilot

Nowadays, the trunk has become a handy shelf to stick anything we use regularly on, whether it’s a bag of birdseed, our grandson’s toys or lawn care tools.

I tend to drive it yet today over to the local gym on workout days simply so it’s still gets driven. With tuneups and a little extra TLC, I expect my little green Honda to go for another hundred thousand miles!

Now It’s Your Turn

What’s the oldest thing you own and still use everyday? Share your thoughts with our readers today!

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