Daily writing prompt
What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?

I’m the kind of person that some folks find hard to believe at times because I’m consistently optimistic in my day-to-day life. To me, the glass is always half full rather than half empty. My positive outlook on life has helped me overcome numerous challenges, and I firmly believe that maintaining an optimistic attitude can make a significant difference in one’s overall well-being.

Even with my positive outlook, there are still days that I find myself forced to deal with negative feelings (or negative people).


With my ridiculously competitive nature, losing is just not in my vocabulary. If you want proof, just ask my siblings about my Monopoly games as a kid (let’s just say it wasn’t always pretty). As any grown-up will tell you, life is just one big game of being left out and chosen, and let’s be real, we often find ourselves on the “unchosen” list more than the “chosen” one.

How you manage those emotions is a sign of a well-adjusted adult.


When faced with something that triggers negative emotions, it’s completely normal to feel a surge of anger right away. After all, we’re all only human.

As I’ve grown to know myself better, I’ve realized that the only person I’m hurting when I have an emotional reaction to bad news – is myself.

So, what do I do to handle those negative feelings?

  • Give it time. Think about if this situation will be different in six months’ time? Will I even remember that it happened?
  • Realize I truly can’t win them all and move on. Analyze what my perceived shortcomings were in this instance and how I could improve upon them or how a more positive reaction could have tempered my…well…temper.
  • Tune into my feelings and search my inner thoughts to see if perhaps the situation I face is actually a reaction to something else in my life. I think psychologists call that transference.
  • Physical activity helps to exorcise (yeah, see what I did there?) those negative thoughts and floods the body with feel-good organic chemicals that help lift the mood. Pair it with my favorite music playlist and see how fast I recover my positive attitude.
  • Talk to someone who is detached from the experience so I can get an unvarnished and unbiased opinion on how I am feeling and how to move away from the negativity.
  • Find acceptance and realize I can’t change everything. It’s called the Serenity Prayer for a reason.
  • Pray and meditate on the situation. God of wonders beyond our galaxy. I’m grateful for that.

Everyone encounters challenging emotions at certain points in their lives. The key lies in how you respond to them and the network of support you have to navigate through those emotions. These factors will ultimately shape your journey in a positive way.

When something happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude toward it; you can either accept it or resent it.



What methods do you employ in your own life to overcome negative feelings? Would you take a moment to share them with my readers, and hopefully make a difference in someone else’s life?

Be Blessed!

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