Daily writing prompt
What cities do you want to visit?

If you’ve followed my blog, I may have mentioned a few places in the world I’ve been that most people would love to visit (Paris, Rome, London, the Isle of Capri, Las Vegas, Washington DC, to name a few), and those were amazing places to experience. Even with those bucket list places checked off, there are still a number of cities I’d love to travel to. Which ones, you ask? Here are ten of my favorites from my wish-list.


Photo by Maegan White on

Having never been a huge art admirer in my younger years, this city may seem a bit unexpected as it’s considered the art capital of the world. But what intrigues me about Florence is the architecture, history, and I’m a huge sucker for amazing views and towers and such. Museums have fascinated me since I was a young adult, and there are plenty to see here.

SYDNEY (Australia)

Photo by Rijan Hamidovic on

Since I was a teenager, and first saw blonde Aussie Olivia Newton-John in “Grease”, I have been hooked on everything Australian (with the exception of their draconian lockdowns during Covid). What to do there? Love to take in a show at the Sydney Opera House, cruise the Sydney Harbour and its iconic bridge (not so sure about doing the bridge climb), spend some time eating and shopping at The Rocks, and then contemplate the very long flight to visit the Great Barrier Reef.


Photo by Isaac Loredo Vargas on

My love of music and the openness of country music artists to interact with their fans makes a trip to Nashville sound like a blast. Plus, a side trip to Graceland would be in order as well.


Photo by James Wheeler on

More than anything else, when I vacation, the first thing that appeals to me is a sense of adventure, enjoying beauty and experiencing the relaxing part of my destination. What better place to do that than in Hawaii? Sure, I can do all the touristy stuff, but I would love the simplicity of the gorgeous views.

QUEENSTOWN (New Zealand)

Photo by Rajagopalan Ramachandran on

When I contemplate heart-racing thrilling adventures in an amazingly picturesque locale, the first place I think of is New Zealand. Peter Jackson didn’t choose that country for filming the LOTR trilogy without reason.

SANTORINI (Greek island not a city, but what the heck)

Photo by jimmy teoh on

Sunsets that seem to disappear into the ocean, crystal-clear waters and views of the Aegean Sea, world-famous volcanic beaches, and once-in-a-lifetime hikes. What’s not to love?

MACHU PICCHU (Again, ruins and not a city per se – Peru)

Photo by Mike van Schoonderwalt on

This sacred Incan religious site discovered in 1911 near Cuzco, Peru makes my list simply because it’s marvel and mysterious splendor is hard to resist. I love historical sites and learning first-hand about them. I hear the sunsets are pretty marvelous too.

CAIRO (Egypt)

Photo by Murat u015eahin on

Although I’m not too stoked about the unrest in the Middle East in general, and the common dislike for Americans in that area of the world, mummies, pyramids, and other antiquities have fascinated me for most of my life.

MADRID (Spain)

Photo by Alex Azabache on

Here’s another entry on my list that appeals to my love of history, architecture, and beauty. The museums, cathedrals, palaces, and Barcelona so nearby makes this a great addition to Today’s 10.


Photo by James Wheeler on

My last choice is Bar Harbor, Maine, as it’s so very close to Acadia National Park and the array of options available at this northeastern treasure. I’ve visited Ogunquit several times in the past but haven’t yet made it up north to this awesome location.


Photo by Bogdan Krupin on

Halifax interests me because of the connection to the Titanic sinking more than 100 years ago. This is more or less my bonus selection!

What cities are on your own bucket list? Share them in our comments section!


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