What strategies do you use to maintain your health and well-being?


It’s quite ironic that in our world today we have the most information and support available to us regarding our health and well-being, and yet we see headlines like this from a simple Google search:

“Obesity Epidemic Astronomical”

“Rising Obesity in the United States is a Public Health Crisis”

“The Truth About Mental Health and Gun Violence”

“Why Do Women Have More Sleep Issues Than Men?”

“How Does Family Life Affect Well-Being?”

Personally, I have available health coaches, dietitians, web apps, fitness fanatics at the gym, stress and calming apps on my phone, innumerable articles online, and a whole suite of “wellness services” from work as well as my insurance carriers designed to help me maintain my well-being on a daily basis.

So why is it so hard to stay healthy and maintain my wellness on a daily basis?

For me, it’s willpower. I like to eat and have a sick sweet tooth and know that sugar leads me to cancer or obesity. Earlier this year, I stepped on the scale and had that moment. You know the one – when you tell yourself you seriously have to make a change.

I just didn’t know quite what to do and of course didn’t want to feel deprived.

One day I came across the idea of intermittent fasting. Simply put, it means having a period of time where you don’t eat food, and then eat reasonably outside that established period of time.

Breakfast seemed likely to be my best option to eliminate eating, as I felt like Honey Nut Cheerios may be good for my heart, but not so much for my waistline. I had also gotten used to sugaring up coffee or tea to get me going with a dose of caffeine in the morning (particularly during the pandemic).

So, beginning in February, I weaned myself off breakfast and also down to just drinking 2 cups of black coffee or tea. Outside of the fasting period, I also used the My Fitness Pal app to track what I was eating and how close I was to my caloric goal.

The results? I’m down over 25 pounds, and my blood pressure and cardio stats are both in the excellent range for guys my age. I continue to lose about a pound or so a week, so the change has been slow and gradual, which is the way it should be.

Other things I do to maintain my well-being? I tend to be a positive person, so stress has never been much of an issue for me, I sleep without issues, and I exercise 2-3 times a week at my neighborhood gym.

I have a great spouse and family that support me as well, so overall, I live a pretty wonderful, and healthy life.

What do you do to maintain your own health and well-being? Let us know in the comments!

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