Daily writing prompt
Your life without a computer: what does it look like?

Imagining life without computers? I have mixed feelings when I contemplate that, so I think a bulleted list of pros and cons would work best and most succinctly for my readers to understand my thoughts on that dramatic lifestyle change.


  • Families would be better connected on a personal level, meaning when you’re driving somewhere, or when you’re sitting down for a meal, members of your family wouldn’t be staring at their phones the entire time.
  • Without relying on technology all the time, we would be up and moving around much more than we do, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and the health complications associated with it.
  • Car accidents would decrease as folks wouldn’t be texting and driving.
  • Workouts without a personal trainer! (See my post from yesterday)
  • Cybercrime and identity theft would diminish greatly as hacks of information wouldn’t occur.
  • Eye strain and other health-related conditions would decrease.
  • Social media wouldn’t exist so news would be slower to be reported and spread and the ability of large companies to control the population with deplatforming individuals (on both sides of the political spectrum) and censoring free speech wouldn’t exist as well.


  • Being connected with people you love or people you work with 24/7 can have its advantages. Example? Communication in traumatic situations is nearly instantaneous with our technology in this century.
  • Things that used to take a lot of time to complete are so much quicker using computer power.
  • Because we are one with computers, gaming, and phones, we tend to become more socially isolated without it.
  • Would we be back to watching 3 channels and PBS for entertainment?
  • Information such as this site would not exist to educate and enlighten.
  • There would be a lot of notes taken and we’d be lost without the data storage capacity of computers.


Along with “We Come in Peace” and “Take Me to Your Leader,” one of the most popular science fiction phrases is the robotic “Does Not Compute.” When it comes to the depictions of robots, “Does Not Compute” is a popular phrase because it plays on the notion that robots “compute” rather than “think,” and it’s a cool way of showing a robot reacting differently than a human. 

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Today’s fast-paced world is partly due to the advent and full integration of computer technology into every aspect of our lives. We curse the automation at times, but also must acknowledge that we couldn’t live without it. In other words…

You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.

Maer Wilson


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