Daily writing prompt
What was the hardest personal goal you’ve set for yourself?

Earlier this year, I stepped on the scale (which I do occasionally) to get a feel of where I was presently with my weight. I wasn’t feeling bad, didn’t have any major health complaints other than high cholesterol (which has always been a bit high due to genetics), and hey, I was still walking every day consistently (my Corgi Scamp makes sure of that!).

Anyway, the scale showed I weighed more than I had EVER weighed before in my life! Cliche as that may be, that was a total wake up call.

This time, instead of just ignoring it and figuring the number on the scale would somehow magically go down, I was determined to figure out a simple way to lose the extra pounds, one that wouldn’t frustrate me due to the work involved physically but also not make me crazy trying to document and keep track of the results.

Historically, I’d never had much problem with weight. During my teen years, I literally drank this chocolate shake called “Wate-On” that had like 3,000 calories in it (and God knows what else). At that time, I was fighting a metabolism that was so fast that I must have resembled a literal bag of bones.

Eventually, my 40’s hit and darn it if my body didn’t betray me! With the normal increase in income as my career kicked in further, my taste for good food was something I was now able to finance on a more regular basis. Thinking my metabolism would always make up for it, yet instinctively knowing better, I nevertheless indulged more than I should have with results one would expect.

Which brings me back to that morning in February of this year. What did I do? My step-by-step process is below (along with an update on results)!



Here’s what it does for me:

It makes it easy to track where I am throughout the day on total calories and macros, and most importantly, it helps me to know if I can have some after-dinner treat before shutting off the consumption at 8pm. It’s very easy to use and keeps my favorite foods and/or meals in one place to reuse on my personalized list. Oh yes, it’s also free by the way (unless you sign up for premium).


Honey Nut Cheerios have for many years been my go-to for a fulfilling and quick breakfast. Even though they’re good for my heart, those extra calories and sugar aren’t so good for my waistline. I read once where intermittent fasting helps your body adjust and lose weight gradually, so I started simple with eating only between noon and 8pm each day (or at least most days). I drink water throughout the day and 2 cups of black coffee in the morning to get me awake and going, but that’s my fasting plan and it has worked wonderfully for me. If I pass a specific level of my overall goal, I celebrate with a big bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios…in the morning no less!


With so many apps out there to assist with working out, it’s easy to turn your smart phone into your own personal fitness trainer. I’ve used a number of apps over the years (currently using Jefit), and again, it’s automating the process so it’s simple for me and not a hassle to manage on my own. I attempt to get to the gym 3 times a week, but sometimes 3 becomes 2 due to other life commitments, but consistency for me is a huge step toward success.

Photo by KoolShooters on Pexels.com
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com
Photo by Jorge Acre on Pexels.com

Routine is a great thing to foster. On those days when I can’t get to the gym, I use the app to create home-based workouts that I can do with just bodyweight. The next day, I still feel the burn, believe me! Otherwise, I vary workouts every now and then to keep myself engaged and my body from getting used to the same challenges. Although I’m not a big fan of cardio, I think it’s an important part of my fitness routine and incorporate it into my workouts as well.


Conventional wisdom states on average, men get about 100 grams of protein per day with women at about 70 grams. Knowing that individual requirements vary due to age and activity level, I tend to hit in the 80’s to the 110’s on most days. How to get more protein? I usually take a whey protein powder mixed with a few ice cubes and some 2% milk (because water just doesn’t cut it for me), shake it (like a polaroid picture) and drink it after my workouts or those days when my protein consumption is looking low. If you’re searching for a bottle that doesn’t leak and doesn’t leave you swallowing chunks of protein powder, the one I bought on Amazon is below (along with my protein powder as well) with special links to Amazon to benefit our site.


Tacos, Snickers, Sugar cookies, Factory Nachos, Mozzerella Sticks, ice cream, pumpkin bars, pizza, and Coca-Cola. Just a short list of some of the snacks I’ve indulged in during the time I’ve been working to reduce the pounds on the scale. I had zero guilt.

Knowing myself as I do, I’m hyper aware that if I deprive myself of foods/snacks that bring me joy, I will ultimately fail in my pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. I just work to not exceed my caloric allowance for the day and find that eating half of a snack I might have eaten completely before keeps my goals in check.

Additionally, I add healthier snacks to my daily intake. Things like Honeycrisp apples, baby carrots, peaches, bananas, and other fruit.

My favorite snack though? Grab a bowl, throw in a container of Activia Vanilla Light Yogurt (or any flavor you like), 8 or 9 almonds, a handful of frozen blueberries, a sliced-up banana, and some granola. Stir that all up and enjoy! 300 calories and 10 grams of protein in under 5 minutes. Again, I’ve included links to purchase ingredients via Amazon (to help our site grow) or you can pick them up at your local grocery store.


Since that fateful day on the scale in February, I’ve steadily lost anywhere from a half-a-pound to a couple pounds consistently from week to week (with a few weeks where I popped back up a pound or two due to vacation or just an awesome week of takeout – haha). Overall, I’m down more than 25 pounds today, with more to come in the upcoming months. Some friend might comment that my decrease is slow, but from everything I’ve ever read, a slow and steady change is a good thing for the body to adapt to and stick to.

Lastly, I leave you with a helpful quote from a wise former fitness coach of mine:

You can’t outwork a bad diet.

Melissa G., MaxLife Fitness & Nutrition

This was a goal that I’ve tried a number of times and failed on. This time I’m very proud that I did it and it’s stuck (thank you intermittent fasting)! Be sure to share your hardest goal and any fitness tips or questions you have in the comments. Be well. Be safe. Be blessed!


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